The Unlikely Lady ( # 3)

The Unlikely Lady - Valerie Bowman

  Arc provided by  St. Martin's Paperbacks  through Netgalley


     Release Date: May, 5th


I have enjoyed Jane's and Garrett's banter since day one. Meaning, since I first read "An Unexpected Duchess".

And it wasn't before long that I knew I could count on them, to help downplay things when the drama would get too much.


So you can have an inkling of what I am talking about....


Presenting the relationship between these two stubborn mules people :


“I mean you like it because I don’t. I swear if I claimed the world was round you’d say it was flat merely to be contrary,” Garrett replied.
“Are you saying the world is round, Upton? Because if so, it makes me question—”

(The Unexpected Duchess, book #1)


He gave her a slight mock bow. “Ah, off to a fine start shredding gentlemen with your tongue. Well done. It’s not even noon. But I must ask, how exactly do you know so much about gambling, drinking, and chasing ladies of ill repute?”
Her smile did not falter. “I read. A lot.”
They glared at each other.

(The Accidental Countess, book #2)


I love intelligent characters and witty repartee, and these two have it in spades. When to that, one adds a sort of "Much Ado About Nothing" retelling/parody..I was basically in book heaven!

I love that specific play.

Well, truth is I love Beatrice's and Benedict's dialogues...Hero and what's his name _ Claudio _ not so much. Too much drama for my taste...also I don't think she should have forgiven him.

Ever. o_O


So, you see where this is going, right?

I loved this story's beginning. I loved when the meddlesome friends _thy name is Lucy _ started with the "game" of basically misleading Garrett and Jane's about each other's feelings.


But then there's this obnoxious character _ well played Mrs Bowman, I don't think there was ever a single moment in which that character appears, in which I didn't wish that she had been run over by a horse....or two, or three _ who led this story to a more dramatic...route?


A little too dramatic for me, but like I said I am biased against Hero and Claudio, and all of a sudden, I felt as if the characters stopped being Beatrice and Benedict's representations, to incorporate the drama inherent to those vapid characters known as H. and C.

But at least, no one had to pretend her own I count that as a blessing! ;)


My biggest issue with the story has to be the fact that towards the end, Garrett ended up sounding a little too much like "Miss" Hero, than an actual Benedict. That was a little strange.


But prejudices aside, this was a well played _ and told _ retelling, with some fun moments _ I especially enjoyed the drunk _ Garrett_ and the half  blind _ Jane_ interaction scene, lol.

My only complaints end up being the overplayed drama...but this was inspired in a Shakespeare play, so really, what was I expecting?


Also, I should probably cut them some slack, since both of them are at times the epitome of all that is geek and bookish! :)


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