Very interested in the historical romance department
Very interested in the historical romance department
Now it seems as if my battered copy of P&P has left him slightly interested
Now it seems as if my battered copy of P&P has left him slightly interested
Julia Quinn may be an author to follow
Julia Quinn may be an author to follow
Trying out the desk
Trying out the desk
striking a pose
striking a pose
what's the logic behind my shelfs re-arrageament? As you can see, none whatsoever!
what's the logic behind my shelfs re-arrageament? As you can see, none whatsoever!

Today I decided to re-arrange some shelf's, basically move some books into second rows behind others because space is becoming scarce.

Helping me, was my new house guest. His name is Sebastião _ Sebastian _ and he's been with me for a couple weeks now

As you can see he is the cutest. :D

Also, another litter box to clean! Ah.