When the Moon was Ours - Anna-Marie McLemore

All book bloggers go through it once in awhile. It's our holy grail. That elusive five star story that keeps escaping us by the turn of the pages... until it does appear, and we get all flustered and scared searching for words that will never make that story true justice. As you can see, this is one of those cases. I don't even remember any more what it was that caught my attention when requesting this title. But I am so glad that it did. If you're looking for an entrancing story with complex and diverse characters, then search no more. If to that, you're also a fan of magical realism and of beautiful writing, then you're in for a treat. Sam and Miel have been friends since "forever". Forever being, since the old water tower got destroyed, a rush of rusty water delivering this strange girl, Miel to Sam's small town. Alone and with a few bag of memories. Sam, or Samir, is the boy with the dark skin and black hair. The boy that doesn't seem to fit in anywhere: until Miel arrives. Miel, the girl with the roses growing in her wrist. Literally. And with a lot of lore attached to them. Both of them have secrets of their own. Both of them are outcasts in their own way. But one thing is constant between them: their friendship, and later on their love. Their feelings for each other, and most of all, the way they respect one another is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. How they love each other, not despite something, but because of those elements, made me fall in love with them. A wonderful story about all the different bonds of love. A story about what makes us unique. What makes us, us. Is it our bodies? The way other people perceive us? A wonderful complex story of friendship, family, love, and even witches. Witches with glass coffins and wishes that aren't theirs to hold. A story that in the end leaves us sad because it has ended. But happy for having read it. A definite must read!


And now I must go and read the author's first book asap.


   Arc Provided by Thomas Dunne Books/St Martin's Press through Netgalley


         Book Status: Already Released ( October 4th)


Author's Official Site BookDepository.com