A Study In Scarlet Women: The Lady Sherlock Series - Sherry Thomas


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Book Status: Already Released ( October 18th)


Here's the thing: I've never been a Sherlock Holmes fan. I would see some "Poirot" episodes, "Miss Marple", "Murder She Wrote", but I never had the patience for Sherlock. serialization with Cumberbatch didn't improve matters, because I really dislike Cumberbatch's weasel... face. -_-


Tony Stark, I mean Downey Jr, was able to make me sit quietly for a couple of minutes in front of the screen, but not enough to make me want to finish watching it...or maybe it was that Watson dude. *cough*


I do however love House and Wilson! So maybe not all is lost? ;)


But I digress. This story, well by now it must be painfully obvious that I didn't request this because of the character...

I requested this because of the author! Sherry Thomas would probably make me read a book about Hannibal Lecter! *okay, maybe not*


I've read the author's historical romances. Her _until now_ only contemporary (please, give me more!). Even two of her YA trilogy, so of course I had to read this one. A female Sherlock? Yes, please! Surely she wouldn't be as annoying as Cumberbatch's performance.


I'm afraid that after having read this, I'm no longer sure. Reading this was very strange. And uncomfortable, because I couldn't understand her. But maybe that was to be expected?


Charlotte, future Sherlock Holmes to be, left me wondering in those first pages if she had some level of autism, because if so, that would explain some things.

But then she started talking, and I was left wondering if she was trying to impersonate Dr. House's aloofness. But later on, the girl has the beginning of a panic attack... so I guess in the end she's more like Wilson. But we do end up having a Watson in the book, so that was a little redundant: that overflow of emotions.


By now you're probably saying that none of this makes sense... well that was what I felt at the beginning of this story, so join the club! ;)

Back and forth without actually seeing the events taking place! Hello? This had so much telling, it became absurd. This was supposed to be about the beginning of Sherlock's career, and we don't get to see it!

And what about Charlotte's decisions... are you kidding me? Where is their logic? So, Charlotte Holmes, our main character... how can I say this?

She became a little tiresome. A little like Sheldon, but less funny...

Then there's the other characters: there's Liv, one of Charlotte's sisters. Then two other sisters. I can't remember their names. Then there's the mother (who is an abusive bastard), and the father, who is a lying bastard. Lord Ingram, who ends up being the most interesting character in the book, but he's married, and that makes him a fool. Although not as ridiculous as Charlotte, because Charlotte wins first prize.

There's a Scotland Yard Inspector to whom it is given way too much time in this book, with countless (hours and hours of my life were wasted forever) interrogations that suck the life out of us.

That means that a lot of people die during this story: don't worry, you won't care about any of them. In fact, if you're anything like me, you'll probably end up mixing the whole gang!

In the end, the thing improves a little with all those deaths being perfectly resolved and all that, but it really is impossible for me to forget the fact that for probably three quarters of the story, I was extremely bored by it.


However, I have to give credit where it is due: even with a boring story, Sherry Thomas's writing style is still two hundred percent better than that of other writers.