Troublemaker: A Novel - Linda Howard

This is a story about a golden Retriever named Tricks and the humans she dotes upon :)

Some of you _ who have read this, will know what I'm talking about _ will probably laugh, and call me exaggerated ;)

Look I love dogs and cats: that's why I sometimes find myself without knowing what to do with my life, when I think of all the animals that I've taken care, and the ones that I still have in my life. Up until two weeks ago I used to feed thirteen cats, now they're only twelve, and once again I feel as if part of my heart was ripped.

Then there's the blame and guilt, because I can't take them to top notch vets, which leaves me always wondering if they would be alive if I had. My head goes into overdrive, and its only due to the meds that I take, that I keep going.

People keep abandoning cats outside my house, and if I don't take them, most of them die on the street.

Why I am telling this?

Because reading is an escape from reality, and sometimes I don't want to read books that have animals in them ( most of the times they end up dead or being hurt!).

From the beginning I could see that this was going to be a story about a dog... maybe because the author wouldn't shut up about all of Tricks wonderful nature...

I got to the middle of the story and I got kind of tired of it. Even loving dogs.

But then saturday, 19 th happened, and I lost my cat Fiona, and somehow reading about Tricks helped me.

I started questioning me: can't you see yourself in Bo in the way she mostly prefers her dog to the rest of the world?

Aren't I a slave of my diva cats, the way she is about Tricks?

I am. And I hope I will be for the longest time ever.

The rest of the story, the developing romance was okay, I guess. Kind of hard to evaluate a romance when I mostly feel numb.

As for the thriller part I also felt that it could have been more developed.