Not quite what i was expecting..

Afterlife Academy - Jaimie Admans
First of all, the story had a somewhat different and apparently interesting premise. 

The idea that if someone under eighteen dies, he or she will have to attend a school: The Afterlife Academy.

Then it had some cute elements, like the blood thirsty pumpkin, who definitely should have had more relevance in the story. Because it was CUTE...

It had also had some interesting ideas, like the classes that the students take at the academy:
_Redemption classes, hauntings, Visualizing and so on...

“How nice to have a class full of new faces,” he says chirpily. “My name is Mr Golding, and I will be your Haunting instructor.

Hopefully you will all have a bit of fun in this class. We know Afterlife Academy can seem terribly serious at times, but we do want to you to enjoy a few lessons as well. Haunting is meant to be fun. After all, what is the essence of being a ghost if you cannot haunt?”

On the less positive sides:
Character development was less than stellar. Riley was a bully, a snob bully, and dying didn't improve her attitude all that much.

She's bossy, manipulative, irritating, has no consideration for anyone but her, and then she's a whinny BRAT. How can I, as a reader, like her??

Nothing much happens in this story, besides Riley complaining that she wants to go home because she misses her long time boyfriend...the idiot WHO KILLED HER IN A CAR ACCIDENT, and someone, who she later founds out has been cheating on her with her best friend! But even upon discovering THAT, she still wants to go home to him!! O_O

I’ve decided to pull another prank. It’s harmless, it probably won’t get me into much trouble, and it’s hopefully a lot more fun for everyone than a fire drill at two in the morning.

“Because I have to go back to Wade,” I admit. “This place is messing my head up. I love Wade. I have for years and I can’t just let that go.”

Nevermind that she's DEAD, because supposedly there's an exit...

Instead of loosing an awful amount of pages with Riley complaining how it isn't fai, what had happened to her, i think the author should have showed us, some kind of change behaviour in Riley's.

Anthony was okay. He's a decent character, but there isn't much life in him..no pun intended.

Then the way the story ended, i couln't help feeling that it was just rushed.