Why I love this story.

Unspoken - Sarah Rees Brennan
2nd Re-Read : October, 7th
Still as good as the first time I read it! :)
Original review:
This book has one of the most intriguing plots allied with a vast, vast number of quirky characters, that I've ever encountered in a story.

In fact, I've never encountered such a number of strange, a little out of this world, lovable characters!
It was great!

There's Kami, our fearless reporter: "Kami had been hearing a voice in her head all her life. When she was eight, people had thought it was cute that she had an imaginary friend. It was very different now that she was seventeen. Kami was accustomed to people thinking she was crazy"

Kami's best friend, Angela, who really likes to take naps:
“Nap,” Angela finished, in the reverent tones of a knight who has finally spotted the Holy Grail Then she may be considered as a little anti-social:“What are these people doing here, Kami? You know I don’t like people.”

Kami's dad, Jon who is just O.o :“Stay away from him. Stay away from them all until you’re of marrying age. Once you reach a nice, mature fifty-four, gentlemen callers will be welcomed here.” Great character! lol

Kami's brothers:

What Kami says about Tomo: “The current theory is that he is a lemonade vampire."

Then there's Ten( the poor kid is ten years old): “I am considering becoming a vegetarian,” he announced in a low voice.
“Not that this isn’t excellent and nutritious,” he told Mum, blinking worriedly. “But I might owe it to my conscience.”

Kami's friend, Holly: “I used to have an imaginary friend when I was seven,” Holly contributed. “A unicorn called Princess Zelda.”

Angela's brother, Rusty, who really likes the notion of free meals: Rusty collapsed back on the hearthrug. “Have fun, and don’t be home late. I get dinner out of babysitting, right?”

Then there's Jared: “Hark,” he said, his tone very dry. “What stone through yonder window breaks?”
Kami yelled up at him, “It is the east, and Juliet is a jerk!”

Kami has known Jared for most of her life. He has been literally a voice in her head, since always. So when these two finally see each other in the flesh, the shock is of epic proportions...

Their reaction to one another felt too viscerally violent, at least to me it did...
They've known each other forever, and all of a sudden they can't even stand to touch one another (well, one of them..).

There was one thing I would have liked if it had been sorted out: (view spoiler)
And then there was the attack on (view spoiler) Or did I miss something?

Also could have done without the attempted love triangle. Ash was just...(I'm twitching my nose, and making scary faces...)

And then there was that FINALE....WTH???? I was not a happy reader when I read that last page (and although I understand it, it doesn't mean that I have to like it, though!)

And then there was that spoiler, that I read concerning the next book O.o ...you know what? I'm completely clueless, right now!