One dragon mother in law coming right up! ;)

The Spinster Bride - Jane Goodger

Arc provided by Kensington Books through Netgalley


Release Date: February 3rd 2015



Another novel that kept me up all night. Good thing I don't need that much sleep :)


It is a truth universally acknowledged that if there's a girl in a Victorian or Regency novel, she is most likely desperate to get marry...

Well, more like their mothers, fathers, grandparents _and assorted family _ who are desperate to see them marry.

The guys usually play aloof : yes I am the biggest fish in the to see my collection of hooks? They're shiny! ;)



In this one, _much to my enjoyment _ our "desperate" candidate is Mr. Charles Norris.


Marjorie the other leading character, needs to get married, but unlike Charles, she is not very happy with the prospect...the fact that her mother is more than ready to marry her of to the first smelly titled creep, that asks for her hand doesn't help.


Charles is witty _ a little loud _ handsome, from a good family _his father is a viscount _ not a bad dancer _although he does tend to say some inappropriate things _ has sufficient financial means to take care of a family...has all his teeth...

So, why is he still single?


The thing is, he really wants a wife, and his own children. To his consternation, all of his friends have gotten married _including the ones that apparently weren't interested in the whole deal _ except for him.

Blast it!

So, one day due to very unexpected circumstances  _younger brothers are a real pain in the a** _ Charles finds himself with the opportunity _blackmail and light extortion may be involved _ of securing his own matchmaker.

He is finally smart enough to realize, that he's not the "sharpest tool in the shed" when it comes to women, and that his preferences have led him....firmly into bachelor land.


Okay, this had some elements that could lead into disaster, especially the whole, you're in my debt, and you're going have to help me...*enter maniacal laughter*

(okay, there's no maniacal laughter involved)


Thankfully for Charles, Marjorie has such a dull life (wow, the blessing), that she actually finds herself having fun with the "wife hunting antics"!

Marjorie has a great sense of humour _ despite having a bully as a mother _ and surprisingly enough is able to take most of Charles dialogues in stride.


Soon enough they become friends, which is great, since nothing else can happen between them.*cough*

Romantically, they're totally inappropriate for one another _*hear me laugh*_ since Marjorie's mother is adamant about a suitor with a title.

Also, she scares Charles _basically she scares everyone! _ and the guy has been in war, and has the scars to prove it.

She is a real lady dragon and not someone one would want as mother in law.


And thankfully for Charles who falls besotted with every belle of the season, he doesn't feel anything for....beautiful, dashing, funny, kind Marjorie... o_O *yeah, he's in denial*


I loved Charles and Marjorie story! Their banter, their chemistry...their chemistry! o_O

They're really otp for one another.


The only reason I'm not giving it a higher rating, is because this story is mostly divided into two points of view: The romance between Charles and Majorie in the present...and in the past, we have Marjorie's mother story.

Which ends up being an important story, but, has the inconvenience of making this longer that I would have liked.


Marjorie's brother is also an important character in this story, for the diversity it brings.

I don't remember any other historical romance having a character with autism, as George seems to have.


All in all a great read, and I'll be sure to read more titles from this author.

Especially When a Lord Needs a Lady because there's a connection in the plots and characters.