September can't come soon enough :)
Originally posted at PaperbackWonderland
He came to them in the heart of winter, asking for his Cobweb Bride.
He arrived everywhere, all at once. In one singular moment, he was seen, heard, felt, remembered. Some inhaled his decaying scent. Others bitterly tasted him.
And everyone recognized Death in one way or another, just before the world was suspended.
Told in a magical prose, Cobweb Bride is an magnificent tale that will appeal to fans of Patricia A. Mckillip works, as well as Juliet Marillier "Heart's Blood".
Set in a imaginary world in Seventeen century Renaissance, "Cobweb Bride" starts with an earth shattering premise:
Looking for his Bride, Death makes an ultimatum: No one will die, until she is found...
What happens next, is a tale of horror:
Decapitated men that just won't die. Old people waiting for that last breath, that just won't come...animals, that won't be slaughtered...
Unless, the Cobwebb bride is found...
Set against this background, girls of all around the kingdoms start leaving their families, to embark on a dangerous quest. They will go north, searching for Death's Keep on the hopes of being his bride, and as such, ending the never ending nightmare that Death has created.
But if ones are determined to fulfill Death's request, there are other's determined to elude it. And they are determined to remain in the land of the living, no matter that they don't longer breathe...
What follows next, is an addictive tale of a group of girls trying to survive in the cold of Winter. A Black Knight determined to stop them. And a budding love, between a girl that has been killed...
...and the man that killed her....
Looking forward to the second book! September, you can't come soon enough ;)
He came to them in the heart of winter, asking for his Cobweb Bride.
He arrived everywhere, all at once. In one singular moment, he was seen, heard, felt, remembered. Some inhaled his decaying scent. Others bitterly tasted him.
And everyone recognized Death in one way or another, just before the world was suspended.
Told in a magical prose, Cobweb Bride is an magnificent tale that will appeal to fans of Patricia A. Mckillip works, as well as Juliet Marillier "Heart's Blood".
Set in a imaginary world in Seventeen century Renaissance, "Cobweb Bride" starts with an earth shattering premise:
Looking for his Bride, Death makes an ultimatum: No one will die, until she is found...
What happens next, is a tale of horror:
Decapitated men that just won't die. Old people waiting for that last breath, that just won't come...animals, that won't be slaughtered...
Unless, the Cobwebb bride is found...
Set against this background, girls of all around the kingdoms start leaving their families, to embark on a dangerous quest. They will go north, searching for Death's Keep on the hopes of being his bride, and as such, ending the never ending nightmare that Death has created.
But if ones are determined to fulfill Death's request, there are other's determined to elude it. And they are determined to remain in the land of the living, no matter that they don't longer breathe...
What follows next, is an addictive tale of a group of girls trying to survive in the cold of Winter. A Black Knight determined to stop them. And a budding love, between a girl that has been killed...
...and the man that killed her....
Looking forward to the second book! September, you can't come soon enough ;)