Promising début

Arc provided by Spencer Hill Press through Netgalley
Release Date: January 12 th
Okay, time for the truth: Did I or did I not enjoy this book?
Well, I did.
Most of it.
First of all, the synopsis does not lie. This really is a book for bookworms. Young bookworms
Bookworms that love when they get an arc.
Bookworms that anxiously anticipate the release for a next book in a series...
Bookworms that say things like :"nothing compares to book boyfriends.."
Well... I have.
Bookworms that dress up like their favourite characters...-_-
Ah...not really my style, but I left sixteen year old me in the past, more than twenty years who knows how I would behave right now! Maybe I would also pick up a bow trying to emulate Katniss...
But let's get down to facts: This is really a well written book, with a varied cast of well developed characters.
There's actually DIVERSITY in this book! There's a LGBT couple, and one half of the main couple _ aka, the love birds _ is an Indian character.
Dev is quite possibly one the cutest, nicest guys in all the ya books that I've been reading. He also on occasion starts some Bollywood dances, and he likes to read... not as much as Phoebe, but no one is like Phoebe when it comes to her bookish obsessions.
People are actually friends to one another in this book: Yay!
You know how hard it is to find a book that takes place in a high school that doesn't have friends behaving like enemies?
Well, it is extremely hard.
There's no slut shamming. None of the "so called" dramas that normally fill high school themed books.
The characters in school actually study _ well, Phoebe doesn't seem to have homework, lol, but I'll let that pass_ and are invested in other school activities.
So, we have intelligent characters and dialogues. A character who loves to read, and a really sweet romance.
Only in fiction, but that is why we love to read.
So why not a higher rating?
Well, this is the part in which I have to point out some things that didn't quite work out for me:
_At times the sweet parts become a little cheesy... Phoebe has some cringe-worthy moments...
_In the middle of the story there's a bit of repetition and it feels like nothing relevant actually happens ( in a movie these parts would probably be filled by some musical moments?)
_The length of the book: It felt quite long for what was happening.
In fact, I couldn't help but picture what I was reading as some sort of Dysney movie or series. I actually think that this will be a success between younger readers who are still huge fans of romances, and who fangirl about fictional guys.
This means, _ despite how it pains me to say so _, that I am no longer this book's intended audience. I am old! Woe is on me!
Maybe if I had a daughter, lol
p.s. I will however read the next volume. Especially if it is about Em.