Of Sorrow and Such

A story that has left me curious regarding the author's previous works, especially since Patience (the main character in this book) has already appeared in Angela Slatter's fantasy world.
Like other reviewers have mentioned, I also felt that someone was trying to appeal to Patricia A. Mckillip's fans _ look at this cover! _, however, if you're a Mckillip reader you know that only very rarely is the author able to tell a story in such a short amount of time: Mckillip takes her own sweet time with words, and scenery. And if I may enjoy that (from time to time), Slatter's writing couldn't be farther away from that. Were it an element, Slatter's writing would be Earth: practicable, down to earth, don't mess with me or you'll be sorry, earth. And I loved that.
I loved how practical and non bullshit Patience was. She's not perfect, she has made things that would make us run in the opposite direction, but she has done it, because she has placed herself (and her family) first and she makes no apologies for it.
What can I say?
It was refreshing to read a story about a powerful woman who doesn't spend her time mooning about guys.
And feelings.