The Maiden Thief

I went into this story without actually having read a synopsis: I just fell for the title and the cover, despite this being by Melissa Marr... I may have about three books of her "Wicked Lovely" series. I would have to check. That's how much I liked those...
So... "Maiden Thief"?
Great name for the title. Great haunting spooky minimalistic design.
I actually liked the beginning, and I was really curious about what was going to happen.
Unfortunately, my tolerance for this story wasn't destined to last beyond this line:
"We are not petty with each other, not short of temper or ill of manner,(..)Being with my sisters fills me with peace."
Great! That's what I was thinking by then! The girls, the sisters like one another and they respect each other. What more can a reader ask?
Just that this "sentiment" wouldn't follow:
"My sister smothers her gasp by slapping her hand to her mouth. It’s such a girlish gesture that I wonder how we’re related."
I just can't deal with this crap. These little offensive remarks that are supposed to separate our illustrious heroine from the rest of all "us women", because she is different.
When girlish and feminine are used as offensive remarks, my interest in a story pretty much fades.
Then it doesn't help that there isn't an actually developed story. For the type of retelling that this hopes to be
(show spoiler)what we are told is just too little.
(show spoiler)Give me a time period and stick to it. Parts of it feel Medieval, and then there's Doc Frankenstein?
(show spoiler)The last line is actually good, but the whole thing was just a mess.
And I am used to messy retellings.