More than a pretty cover

This book was released late in 2013 and after all this time, I don't know if there's anything left to said that hasn't yet been said.
The world building isn't very developed, besides the whole sci-fi/distant future vibe to it, but honestly I couldn't care less about it.
Because of the two main characters: They are absolutely well developed!
As for the main plot of this book, the trope isn't new: two very different people who find themselves having to rely in one another, but it was done exquisitely so. Especially the second part of it.
The biggest asset in this book has to be the fact that Tarver isn't your typical alpha male teenager. Look, I don't have patience for a thirty something male character behaving all He-Man, so don't even get me started on the possibility of an eighteen year old following that same route. Because that is not going to happen. I have read more than my share of alpha asses. I am done with them.
So Tarver, he is respectful and caring, despite his occupation. A recently promoted Cpt.
As for Lilac, she is much more than a spoiled brat and a pretty face, so when the two of them have to start working together, their interactions just feel real enough, in light of their backgrounds.
These broken stars is mainly a survival story, with portions of paranormal in it, told in a sci-fi set.
As a survival story, it does suffer from what I like to call "journey through Middle Earth". -_-
Yeah, they walk a lot! Thankfully by then, the paranormals aspects start getting more visible _ or audible... yes, pun intended _ so it does become bearable. lol
The paranormal aspect was definitely creepy and mysterious, so I honestly had no idea of what was going to happen. Always a positive point.
The romance was swoon worthy and heart breaking. YES, HEART-BREAKING.
Have I told you guys that this book was offered to me by a friend?
Well it was!
Thank you, Isa, for all the ugly tears that I cried at four AM in the morning!
Thankfully for our friendship,... both authors really know how to write. ;)
And yes, this is definitely well written.
Definitely recommended... that is if you still haven't read it by now, because the hype is definitely real.