So good!

2nd re-read (27/09/15)
4.5 Stars
Since I practically didn't remember anything about it any more, this was almost like reading a new book :)
I'm taking half a star *snort* because <b>Hell</b>, this was one never stopping roller-coaster!
Also, author Seanan Mcguire could do so much more with the romance between Toby and Tybalt: so frustrating!
You know what I am talking about it ;)
And now I'm left feeling a little like a perv. *cough*
Okay, now on to reading "The Winter Long".
1rt Read (23/09/13)
As readers, no matter what our taste in books might be, there will always be some times when one will be faced with:
A- Boring plot or simply a non-existent one;
( I could come out with a few examples of those)
B- Boring characters (which you secretly wish would just fall down of a cliff).
C- Love triangles/rectangles or any other kind of other geometric figure created to disguise the lack of an actual <i>you know<b>plot</b></i>.
D- Writing that leaves you with a headache... since you're to chicken to gouge your eyes out!
You guys know what I am talking about.
But moving after a long, <b>LONG year</b> of waiting for this book to be released, I can definitely and honestly say...
NO, this was bloody brilliant!!!
Honestly this is one of those cases where I get all: OH, THIS WAS SO GOOD!! ("fangirling" while simultaneously caps-lock(ing) A LOT!)
Yes, I have a big stupid smile on my face...and I'm trying not to resort to a vast number of gifs!!
I don't know how many of you have already started this series (on account of my crystal ball lack of batteries..and then the oracles are still on vacations...probably in Algarve!), but if you haven't, and if you like amazing world building and characters that just feel real hug...and shout at (heroes make you want to do me in that), you should definitely give this series a try!
In this story, Toby once again is left in the position of having to go against the Queen of know, the one that hates her guts?
You can guess how that's going to work out, right?
But unlike what happened in the first books, Toby has grown up, and she knows when she has to ask for help.
And there's a lot to give, if she's willing to ask.
So once again, October and her merry gang will have to face an almost impossible situation, with danger and failure lurking at each corner. And as the story moves forward, the danger and tension just keeps building.
Then towards the end there was a fighting scene that I think I will never forget:
It involved a kick ass mermaid!! First time that I ever saw (read) a mermaid go ninja on the bad guys!
Then there's her romance with Tybalt. Well, what can I say...
Long Live the King of Cats!
They're so sweet..and cute! :D
It's so good to read a urban fantasy novel with dashes of romance, in which the male character isn't an ass!
(honestly this should be a rule in our days..)
So go, and follow Oberon's edict:
Go read this book asap!
I'll be counting the days until the next one is released!