The end

Into the Still Blue - Veronica Rossi


I hadn't been as anxious to finish a trilogy, since the Hunger Games!

And in that case, I only read them after Mockingjay had been released... and, translated!


For all of you who have been following my reviews, by now you know my stance about Veronica Rossi's "Under The Never Sky" world:

 I love it!


I've loved the characters since day one. Their maturity and character development place them in a very reserved circle in the YA world.

Perry and Aria have made this journey incredibly entrancing, and time worthy.


The plot

Taking place in a post apocalyptic world that has been almost destroyed by climatic changes, we followed the characters in their struggle for survival.

We saw enemies become friends, and eventually lovers.

Friendship bonds formed amongst unlikely allies.

But through this all, some things never changed...


In this book, Perry faces his most difficult task as the Tides' Blood Lord. How to reach the Still Blue with all his people, as well as with the dwellers' refugees?

And how will he be able to do it?


Long are the days of disguising his relationship with Aria. And it's interesting to see how Aria is seen by the "Tides", Perry's people.


I loved how the author was able to create such a rich story and characters.


Perry for instance, he's not only his people's blood lord,_ the person his people turn to guidance_, he's Talon's brother/father father. He's Aria's love.

He's the brother who lost a sister, and now at risk of losing his best friend.



Part of me, kept wishing that maybe, just maybe, a miracle solution would pop up, and it would turn out that Liv was actually alive.

Yeah, sometimes I'm childish like that...

His suffering was just heartbreaking.

And he wasn't the only one. There was also the situations involving Soren and Cinder.


As it turned out, this book was just painful to read!

There were so many losses and heartbreak that I kept turning the pages half sick with dread of what was going to happen next!


So yes, I really, REALLY liked this story!!

I just wished there had been a little more explanations regarding the Aether and to what happened with Cinder!!

And honestly the whole syndrome of the "younger brother" being  BIG SPOILER


[/spoiler]sacrificed is starting to become old. In that part, I wanted more... if Cinder was the key to the Aether barrier, why did he have to... you know what!![/spoiler]


(show spoiler)


The bad guy in his search for power was truly a psychopathic bastard and I kept thinking about ways of killing him myself!!

In the end, it was just TOO LITTLE!!

He deserved so much more...


Then, I don't know if anyone else had a problem, with what wasn't  shown between chapter 44 and 48?

I wanted to see what happened with Perry when the airship sunk. His thoughts while adrift on the raft.

Cinder disappears and there's this scene that seems to have been cut in the middle.

This _for me_ made the book feel somewhat incomplete...


This doesn't mean that I didn't love it.

 I did.

But I can't help feeling that the inclusion of that part, would given more strength to what Peregrine had just gone through.

But you can just call me picky...


In the end, as with everything one likes, I guess I just wanted more.

I wanted a little more of Perry, Aria, Roar, Brooke, and even Soren. Who'd have guessed? :)

Character building ^_^ it makes all the difference!