A sweet romance with cute/ lovable characters that left me with a smile on my face ;)

You know, the plot where good friends suddenly find themselves in love with one another?
Yes, this is one of those! :)
Honoria Smythe-Smith (YES, she belongs to that family(*whispering*)that can't play zilch on the musicales, but insist on doing it anyway!! Well, it turns out that there is a reason for it...) has known Marcus forever...or more accuratelly since she was six years old, and he was twelve.
A pretty big age difference for Marcus who didn't wanted to have anything to do with his best friend Daniel's sister...can you believe that she once invited for a date....with her dolls for a tea party...and the little scoundrell said NO!!
Well, he did!! o.O
But time has gone by and instead of wanting to play with dolls, Honoria wants to get married and to have her own children and husband to take care of (yeah, i couldn't resist it, lol) but unfortunately, after TWO SEASONS, she hasn't been able to secure a match...
Enters Marcus, who may have something to do with it...lol
The thing i liked more about this couple, was their "natural" way. They're rational, logically driven _a little dense _ sensible pair, that matched each other perfectly...oh yes, and they're both crazy about sweets. Namely chocolate, lol
So after a less enjoyable story Ten Things I Love About You i'm happy to say that i've once again enjoyed a Julia Quinn's romance.
Yes, this is one of those! :)
Honoria Smythe-Smith (YES, she belongs to that family(*whispering*)that can't play zilch on the musicales, but insist on doing it anyway!! Well, it turns out that there is a reason for it...) has known Marcus forever...or more accuratelly since she was six years old, and he was twelve.
A pretty big age difference for Marcus who didn't wanted to have anything to do with his best friend Daniel's sister...can you believe that she once invited for a date....with her dolls for a tea party...and the little scoundrell said NO!!
Well, he did!! o.O
But time has gone by and instead of wanting to play with dolls, Honoria wants to get married and to have her own children and husband to take care of (yeah, i couldn't resist it, lol) but unfortunately, after TWO SEASONS, she hasn't been able to secure a match...
Enters Marcus, who may have something to do with it...lol
The thing i liked more about this couple, was their "natural" way. They're rational, logically driven _a little dense _ sensible pair, that matched each other perfectly...oh yes, and they're both crazy about sweets. Namely chocolate, lol
So after a less enjoyable story Ten Things I Love About You i'm happy to say that i've once again enjoyed a Julia Quinn's romance.